This section contains information for hazardous materials related to new construction or remodel of existing buildings or areas.
- Triage and Certification Form: Form used during construction plan reviews to determine if a hazardous materials plan review is required
- Construction Project Information Form
- Permit Amounts: Table of hazardous materials permit amounts per the adopted fire code.
- CO2, Inert and Compressed Gas Systems: New Requirements for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Inert Gas Systems Used in Beverage Dispensing and Other Applications
- Compressed Gas Questionnaire: Form required to be submitted with plans when Carbon Dioxide is, or will be used for beverage dispensing, atmosphere enrichment or any other use.
- Plan Submittal Information: Submittal requirement information for hazardous materials plan reviews.
- HMIS in Excel: The Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) in a fillable Microsoft Excel format.
- HMIS in Non-Fillable PDF: The Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) in a non-fillable PDF format.
- Marijuana Guidance: Applicable code requirements and best practices as the code relates to cultivation, extraction processes, and the businesses related to medical and recreational marijuana.
- Medical Marijuana Extraction Operations: Information regarding extraction submittal requirements as well as general fire code provisions for medical marijuana use. This also applies to existing medical marijuana and / or other similar facilities wishing to add extraction operations.
- HAMMERS: Facilities with hazardous materials in amounts that require permits must enter their facilities information into HAMMERS.
- LPG/Butane: Information and permit applications for the use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) either temporarily or permanent installations.
- Blasting: Permit application and information regarding explosives used for blasting during site development and construction.
- Fuel Storage Tanks: Information and permit applications for the installation, removal or abandonment of above and underground fuel storage tanks. This also applies to belly/integral tanks with generators.
- Hot Work: Permit application and information for obtaining a hot work permit. Hot work activities include, but aren’t limited to welding, brazing, cutting, torch applied roofing, etc.
- Plan Review Checklist
- Preparing for your Inspection-Use one of the following checklist to prepare for your inspection:
- Hazardous materials definitions - sheet to assist applicants on selecting the appropriate hazard category.
Hazardous Materials FAQ
Do I need a hazardous materials permit?
A permit is required to store, transport on site, dispense, use or handle hazardous materials greater than the permit threshold amounts at your facility.
How much can I store before I need a permit?
Our permit amounts are available for review on the CSFD website and are adopted into our fire code; if you store, transport on site, dispense, use or handle hazardous materials in amounts greater than the amounts listed, a permit is required. Please note that the amounts are for the aggregate of chemicals at the facility, not just those stored together. The most common permit amounts are as follows:
- Flammable and combustible liquids – 25 gallons inside, or 60 gallons outside
- Inert gas systems (CO2, Nitrogen, etc.) – 6,000 scf, but 100# or greater if connected to a system
- Oxidizing gas (Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide) – 504 scf if compressed, or 10 gal if cryogenic
I don’t need an H-Occupancy, so why do I require a permit?
A: Our permit amounts are distinct and separate from Maximum Allowable Quantities (MAQs), which govern if an H-occupancy is required. The permit quantity is the aggregate for the entire building, regardless of use or storage; the MAQs are for each control area – see the fire code for the definitions and specifics on how MAQs and control areas are used. For example, the permit amount for flammable liquids inside is 25 gallons, but the MAQ is 120 gallons per control area.
How do I get a hazardous materials permit for my facility?
To receive a hazardous materials permit, a permit must be applied for, and an inspection must be performed once approved. All plans submitted for permit and/or for review to the Division of the Fire Marshal are required to be submitted electronically at along with the following supporting documentation included:
- Floor and/or site plans for each area inside or outside the building containing hazardous materials
- Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS)
- Lot/property lines and adjacent buildings for outside storage
- All storage and use areas including hazardous waste storage areas
- Access to each storage and use area
- Location of all aboveground and underground tanks to include sumps, vaults, below-grade treatment systems, piping, etc.
- Chemical hazard classes in each area
- Detailed equipment list of all equipment used with hazardous materials
- Manufactures specifications (i.e. cut sheets) for all equipment in equipment list clearly showing listing approvals (i.e. UL) Once the permit application is approved, the paperwork will need to be picked up and the fee paid before an inspection can be scheduled.
What is an HMIS, and how do I fill it out?
HMIS stands for Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement, and is a worksheet that CSFD provides to help ensure that the chemical inventory provided meets all requirements (found here). CSFD requires that all chemical inventories list the total amount of hazardous materials, broken down by hazard category, location, and chemical. Though it is recommended to use the HMIS provided by CSFD, it is acceptable to use your own provided all of the same information is provided –what the chemicals are, where they are, and how much.
When can I install/place my hazardous materials?
Your hazardous materials may only be placed on site after the permit application is approved. However, the inspection will not be signed off until all of the hazardous materials are set up as noted in the permit application.
Who can we contact at the Colorado Springs Fire Department if we have questions?
Contact the Division of the Fire Marshal at 719-385-5978 with any questions.