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This section contains information for hazardous materials related to new construction or remodel of existing buildings or areas.

Apply for Permit

  • Triage and Certification Form: Form used during construction plan reviews to determine if a hazardous materials plan review is required
  • Construction Project Information Form
  • Permit Amounts: Table of hazardous materials permit amounts per the adopted fire code.
  • CO2, Inert and Compressed Gas Systems: New Requirements for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Inert Gas Systems Used in Beverage Dispensing and Other Applications
    • Compressed Gas Questionnaire: Form required to be submitted with plans when Carbon Dioxide is, or will be used for beverage dispensing, atmosphere enrichment or any other use.
  • Plan Submittal Information: Submittal requirement information for hazardous materials plan reviews.
  • HMIS in Excel: The Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) in a fillable Microsoft Excel format.
  • HMIS in Non-Fillable PDF: The Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) in a non-fillable PDF format.
  • Marijuana Guidance: Applicable code requirements and best practices as the code relates to cultivation, extraction processes, and the businesses related to medical and recreational marijuana. 
  • Medical Marijuana Extraction Operations: Information regarding extraction submittal requirements as well as general fire code provisions for medical marijuana use. This also applies to existing medical marijuana and / or other similar facilities wishing to add extraction operations.
  • HAMMERS: Facilities with hazardous materials in amounts that require permits must enter their facilities information into HAMMERS.
  • LPG/Butane: Information and permit applications for the use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) either temporarily or permanent installations. 
  • Blasting: Permit application and information regarding explosives used for blasting during site development and construction.
  • Fuel Storage Tanks: Information and permit applications for the installation, removal or abandonment of above and underground fuel storage tanks. This also applies to belly/integral tanks with generators.  
  • Hot Work: Permit application and information for obtaining a hot work permit. Hot work activities include, but aren’t limited to welding, brazing, cutting, torch applied roofing, etc.
  • Plan Review Checklist
  • Preparing for your Inspection-Use one of the following checklist to prepare for your inspection:
  • Hazardous materials definitions - sheet to assist applicants on selecting the appropriate hazard category.

Hazardous Materials FAQ