Site Accessibility Evaluation
Title II (Public Services: State and Local Government)
FROM: Robert L. Hernandez, Title II ADA/Section 504 – Manager
DATE: 02/11/2025
SUBJECT: Mountain Metro Transit Bus Stops Self-Evaluation
1. In 2019 the Office of Accessibility worked with Mountain Metro Transit, whom performed an evaluation on all 977 bus stops. This evaluation was performed in accordance with the 2013 Public Right of Way Accessible Guidelines. The next evaluation will be using the Public Right of Way Accessibliy Final Rules which were recently adopted by the Department of Transportation. We now have 984 bus stops.
2. Bus Stops were scored with a rating of 1 to 5, as defined below:
Rating 1: The bus stop is not accessible or compliant. Typically this type of bus stop only
has a post with the bus stop information.
Rating 2: The bus stop is not accessible or compliant. Typically this type of bus stop has
a post and a bench. Those bus stops rated as a 2 currently have sufficient public right of
way in place and are our first priority to correct.
Rating 3: The bus stop is minimally accessible with technical defects. Typically this type
of bus stop has a post, a 5'-0" by 8'-0" concrete pad, sidewalk, and a bench or shelter.
Rating 4: The bus stop is accessible with a post, a concrete pad, and a bench.
Rating 5: The bus stop is accessible with a post, a concrete pad, and a shelter.
3. Corrective actions to findings were/will be submitted for corrective action through the
city maintenance work request system and Transition Plan. Note: Recommended
corrections in some cases where needed will be modified when appropriate. Corrections
are developed in consideration of the “Program Access” provisions of Title II, where
4. A copy of this report will be maintained by the Office of Accessibility. Updates to the findings included in this report will be available at the following link: Alternatively, this link is available from the Office of Accessibility’s webpage on the City of Colorado Springs website.
City of Colorado Springs Title II ADA/Section 504 – Manager
30 S. Nevada Ave, Suite 301
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Atch 1. City of Colorado Springs, ADA Self-Evaluation Report
Robert Hernandez
Table of Contents
Bus Stops
BFID: 187482
Due to limited right-of-way width, this type of bus stop typically is not very large due to limited right-of-way availability and thus do not have a shelter or bench. These stops are not wide enough to deploy the bus ramp.
At the time of this evaluation, there were 116 bus stops rated as 1.
Transit stops shall comply with R308.1 (Transit Stops).
BFID: 187483
Due to limited right-of-way width or ridership numbers, this type of bus stop typically is not very large and thus do not have a shelter. This type of stop typically is large enough to deploy the bus ramp.
At the time of this evaluation there were 178 bus stops rated as 2. Fixing these stops is a priority as we have enough right of way to make them accessible.
Transit stops shall comply with R308.1 (Transit Stops).
BFID: 187484
At the time of this evaluation, there were 339 bus stops rated as 3.
Transit stops shall comply with R308.1 (Transit Stops).