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Recent wildfires in southern California have people in our region asking if we are prepared to face a similar incident. Here we offer links to resources, as well as a Frequently Asked Questions section, to help answer these questions and guide you.

Action you can take

Sign up for Peak Alerts

Sign up for Peak Alerts to receive official emergency notifications based on your home address, your work location, your child(ren)’s school and more. You can pick to receive these alerts via text message, email or phone call. You’ll receive these notifications no matter if you’re at home, at work or on vacation.  

Create a communication and emergency plan. 

Build an emergency kit and know what the six “Ps” are:

  • People and pets
  • Papers, phone numbers, and important documents
  • Prescriptions, vitamins, and eyeglasses
  • Pictures and irreplaceable memorabilia
  • Personal computer hard drive and disks
  • “Plastic” (credit cards, ATM cards) and cash 

Create a go-bag. Download plans and checklists at Colorado Springs Wildfire Ready.

Wildland Urban Interface mitigation

Know if you reside in the Wildland Urban Interface and how to practice mitigation techniques if you do.

Evacuation Preparedness

Understand the different evacuation alert levels, how we use zone-based evacuation procedures, and what to do before, during and after evacuation. Visit the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management's Evacuation website for more information on how to prepare for a potential evacuation.

Actions taken by local government agencies

  • The City and Colorado Springs Utilities have deployed widespread mitigation tactics in partnership with residents/HOAs/neighborhoods 
  • The City through the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management, continually plans and evaluates the best ways to respond to a widespread wildfire. This includes coordination between agencies, public safety messaging, and advanced evacuation planning.  
  • Our primary focus in a wildfire remains preservation of life. While rebuilding homes and losing possessions is devastating, it doesn’t compare to the loss of a family member, friend or neighbor. Our number one priority in all this work is you—saving the people impacted by that incident. 
  • For more information about how local government agencies are continually preparing for wildfires, read the joint letter from Randy Royal, Chief of the Colorado Springs Fire Department; Adrian Vasquez, Chief of the Colorado Springs Police Department; and Andrew Notbohm, Executive Director of the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management.

Questions we’re receiving



