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City Engineering
Ryan Phipps, City of Colorado Springs

Margaret Radford, Colorado Springs Utilities

Chelsea Gondeck, Downtown Partnership
June 2022 Construction starts
October 2022 Construction completed

The City of Colorado Springs and Colorado Springs Utilities have partnered with the Downtown Partnership and the AdAmAn Club to upgrade utilities, repave the alley, and install artwork in the alleys bounded by Nevada Ave, Colorado Ave, and Tejon St.

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The newly reconstructed alleys will be renamed “AdAmAn Alley” in honor of the heritage club celebrating its 100-year anniversary in December 2022. The AdAmAn club is a uniqiue group of mountaineers, who each year on December 30th and 31st, climb Barr Trail on the east face of Pikes peak and at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve ignite a fireworks display on the summit.

Project elements

Approximately 600 linear feet of alley will have 100+ year old utilities upgraded, and pavement reconstructed. The surface will be reconstructed with the intent of supporting pedestrian accessibility throughout. Once the City and Colorado Springs Utilities have completed the utility and pavement work, the Downtown Partnership, along with the private property owners, will implement public art and other aesthetic improvements to create a more inviting place for people to gather.

Safety Escorts During Construction

If you need access to the alley during construction, there will be a construction worker positioned in the alley to help escort individuals. Safety escorts will be wearing ORANGE vests.