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Planning Phase
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services
City Project Manager, Connie Schmeisser

Consultant Lead: Nicole Horst, Wenk Associates, Inc.

Consultant Public Engagement: Lisa Bachman, Bachman pr
Master Plan


Final Design & Construction Drawings

As project funds are available


As project funds are available


Updated: Fall 2024

The Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department (PRCS) is currently working in coordination with Stormwater Enterprise on the design and implementation of the large Pond #2 and Sand Creek channel improvements.  Working with Stormwater is a first step in narrowing down the location of the Sand Creek Trail and pedestrian bridge. 

As a result of the stormwater pond project, which will take place over the next two years, the public will see activity and temporary stock piling of soil on the west side of the Coleman Park site.  Also, in the Summer 2024 residents will see Public Works stockpiling asphalt millings from the Street’s Division. Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services staff will continue to monitor the site throughout this work.  

The PRCS Department staff is working on the path forward with Coleman Park.  Any changes to the current plan will be brought back to the community for final review before going before the Parks Advisory Board for approval. Park staff will work to develop a timeline for implementation as funding is identified. 

To learn more and sign up for newsletter updates about the Barnes Water Quality & Sand Creek Flood Control Ponds Project:

Sand Creek Ponds