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Traffic and Transportation Engineering
ConnectCOS Project Team

Early to Mid-2021
  • Draft Scenarios: Building on the in-depth technical analysis conducted in 2020, the ConnectCOS team will identify areas of need and potential strategies to address them. Screening of the draft scenarios will take into account effectiveness, support for PlanCOS goals and input from the community to begin to develop draft recommendations.
  • February 18, 2021Public meeting- see public engagement tab for details and meeting recording
Mid to Late 2021
  • Refining Scenarios and Identifying Prioritized Solutions: The project team will further refine investments and prioritize recommendations through a screening process that includes factors like, community input, scale of benefit, economic analysis, the support of the goal framework, costs and timing, etc.


Late 2021 to Early 2022
  • Finalize Projects List
March to September 2022
  • Draft Plan: The project team will draft an initial version of the plan which will include:
    • Project tiering
    • Major Thoroughfares Plan
    • Transit Vision Network
    • Truck Routes
    • Citywide Strategies
    • Funding Stakeholder Coordination
  • Outreach April – March
  • Draft Plan Review August – September 2022


Late 2022 to Early 2023
  • Plan Adoption: The formal comment period on the DRAFT plan is closed as of December 6, 2022 so that the Project Team can review and respond to these comments.  There are additional opportunities to provide comments on the Draft ConnectCOS Plan at upcoming public meetings of the Citizens Transportation Advisory Board, Planning Commission, and City Council as part of the formal adoption process. All comments will be reviewed by the project team and City Staff. For more information, please visit the City Calendar.