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Public Works
Marksheffel Public Inbox
Summer to Fall 2023

Underground utility work from North Carefree Circle to Barnes Road

Fall 2023 to Late 2024

Construct surface improvements between North Carefree Circle and Barnes Road


Continue constructing surface improvements between Barnes Road and Dublin Boulevard

Traffic Impacts

Phase 1: North Carefree Circle to Barnes Road

  • Expect periodic lane closures for finishing work.
  • Travelers should expect equipment and workers adjacent to the road.
  • The posted speed limit is 35 mph.
  • Follow signs and flagger directions when present. 
  • As part of a separate project, Colorado Springs Utilities is upgrading an underground gas pipeline in the median of Marksheffel Road. Travelers should expect a northbound Marksheffel Road left lane closure near Barnes Road.

Phase 2: Dublin Boulevard to Barnes Road

  • Tamlin Road east of Marksheffel Road is closed for full reconstruction. The signed detour route directs travelers to use Huber Road to access businesses and Peoples United Methodist Church.
  • Travelers should expect equipment and workers adjacent to the road.
  • Tarren Heights will close to all traffic entering and exiting the neighborhood at Marksheffel Road for two days (Thursday, March 6 at 7 a.m. - Friday, March 7 at 5 p.m.). During the closure, local access will be maintained at Ryker Peak Drive for the neighborhood on the east side of Marksheffel Road.
  • Marksheffel Road will close to all through traffic from south of Dublin Boulevard to north of Stetson Hills Boulevard for two consecutive nights (March 10 and 11) from 7 p.m. to 5:30 a.m.The signed detour route will direct Marksheffel Road travelers to use Peterson Road between Dublin Boulevard and Stetson Hills Boulevard during the overnight closures. Local access to the Mountain Valley Preserve neighborhood (Tarren Heights) will be provided from the south at Stetson Hills Boulevard.
  • Ryker Peak Drive will close to all traffic entering and exiting the neighborhood at Marksheffel Road for several months starting on Monday, March 10 at 7 p.m. This closure is required while crews reconstruct the intersection. During the closure, local access will be maintained at Tarren Heights for the neighborhood on the east side of Marksheffel Road.

Text IMPROVE to 866-762-3640 to receive text alerts regarding construction updates and traffic impacts.