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Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services


In 2020, the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department adopted a comprehensive wayfinding design package for open spaces acquired under the Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOPS) program. Through public and stakeholder feedback, the department developed a design that would create a consistent signage and wayfinding system across the TOPS Open Space properties. This package included fonts, styles, elements, colors, materials, signage placement, signage hierarchy and signage maintenance standards and requirements that is currently being implemented throughout multiple TOPS Open Spaces.

Project Goals

  • Enhance the natural aesthetics of the property
  • Improve navigation for all modes of non-motorized recreational travel within the open space; improve the user experience and emergency services efficiencies
  • Reinforce the identity of the TOPS program
  • To be sustainable, maintainable and expandable to all TOPS Open Space properties as well as to establish an ongoing administration and maintenance plan for the wayfinding system

Completed Signage

  • Bluestem Prairie Open Space
  • High Chaparral Open Space
  • Rock Island Open Space
  • Stratton Open Space
  • Cresta Open Space
  • Blodgett Open Space
  • Palmer Park
  • Northern Return Trail
  • Chamberlain Trail (NCCP)
  • Daniels Pass Trail
  • Sweetwater Canyon Trail

In Progress

  • Ute Valley Park wayfinding
  • Austin Bluffs Open Space wayfinding
  • Red Rock Canyon Open Space wayfinding (installation following the completion of the new trail improvements)
  • North Cheyenne Cañon Park

Future Needs

Final Design Guidelines

The Final Design Guidelines was adopted by the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Board on Thursday July 9th, 2020.

What is TOPS?

The TOPS tax of one-tenth of one percent (0.10%) was established by a vote of the people in 1997 to encourage, foster and promote public-private partnerships in the preservation of open space lands, trails and parks. Since TOPS was first approved by voters in 1997, over 7,500 acres of open space has been acquired, 67 parks have been built or improved, and more than 53 miles of trail have been constructed with TOPS funding. In April 2023, Colorado Springs citizens voted “yes” to extend the TOPS sales and use tax with no increase to the tax until 2043. 

Learn more by visiting What is TOPS?