The Operations Support Bureau is broken into three Divisions: the Management Services Division, the Professional Standards Division, and the Public Safety Communications Center.
The officers and civilians who make up these divisions support patrol operations, investigate major crimes, and provide support services to the entire department. To learn more about each division, please review their individual web pages by utilizing the menu on the left of this page.
Management Services Division
The Management Services Division has a variety of unique and important functions that affect the operation of the Police Department. The sections that make up the Management Services Division are: Records and Identification Section, Police Logistics Support Section, Information Technology Project Management, and the Training Section.
The Records and Identification Section
- Administers the Department’s Records Management System and Mobile Field Reporting System.
- Handles all requests for records including offense reports and traffic accident reports.
- Handles all fingerprinting and photographs of arrestees as well as services for the general public.
- Request a Police Record
Police Logistics Support Section
- Handles general facilities maintenance on the Department’s 10 fixed structures, consisting of 479,756 feet.
- Manages, tracks, equips, and transfers over 650 vehicles to include marked police cruisers, unmarked vehicles, and specialized vehicles.
- Issues and manages all Department supplied police equipment.
Information Technology Project Management
- Gathers requirements for future technology needs.
- Plans, schedules, and organizes the implementation of technology projects affecting the Police Department.
- Manages the CSPD public facing website.
Professional Standards Division
The Professional Standards Division is comprised of four sections. These are the Internal Affairs Section, Public Affairs Section, Planning and Compliance Section, and the Evidence and Impound Section.
Internal Affairs Section
- Investigates serious complaints or allegations of misconduct by police officers and civilian employees.
- Monitors and maintains investigative records of less serious allegations of misconduct.
- Responds to officer-involved shootings on a 24-hour, on-call basis.
- Provides oversight to the destruction of narcotics and contraband.
- Monitors the department’s Early Intervention Program.
- Submit a complaint or a compliment here.
Public Affairs Section
The Public Information Officer (PIO) functions as the official department spokesperson.
- Coordinates media interviews of department personnel and disseminates official police press releases.
- Responds to the scene of serious police related incidents of an emergent nature to assist news gathering agencies in performing their functions.
- Coordinates the use of social media for the dissemination of information.
- Coordinates with internal and external PIOs to include the fire department, city communications, airport, and transit during significant incidents.
Community Relations
- Develops programs to foster communication between the police and the community.
- Maintains contact with various groups and organizations in the community that could assist CSPD in recruiting.
- Regularly participates in meetings with various community groups or individuals to identify concerns with police policies or practices.
- Oversees the Police Cadet Explorer program.
- Learn more about the community relations unit & outreach programs.
Evidence and Impound Section
Evidence Unit
- Custodian of evidentiary items seized for use in criminal cases, as well as found property.
- Maintains integrity and preservation of evidence items in the condition in which they were seized in accordance with retention policies outlined in the Colorado Revised Statutes.
- Researches criminal cases and facilitates release of evidentiary items with proper release authorization.
- Releases personal property to rightful owners. Unclaimed items may be disposed of by sale or public auction, destroyed, put to City use, or donated to an appropriate charitable organization or person. Unclaimed money is transferred to the City general fund.
- Transacts items to officers/detectives, the District Attorney’s Office, City Attorney’s Office, outside and federal agencies and labs for court and testing purposes.
- Intake of evidentiary and property items range from 40,000 to 70,000 items per year. Disposition ranges from 18,000 to 40,000 per year.
- Learn more about the Evidence Unit.
Impound Unit
- Custodian of all evidentiary vehicles seized for use in criminal cases, as well as vehicles impounded for non-evidentiary reasons (abandoned or with no owner present or available to claim).
- Stores and maintains approximately 1,000 – 1,200 vehicles at any given time, over half of which are on evidentiary hold.
- Inspects incoming vehicles, researches owner registration, and notifies owners of vehicle impoundment as required by law.
- Facilitates auctions of unclaimed vehicles. These are conducted monthly through public online title auctions, as well as no-title auctions where vehicles are sold for scrap.
- Impounded vehicles regularly exceed 5,000 per year.
- Learn more about the Impound Lot
Communications Center
The Colorado Springs Public Safety Communications Center is a state-of-the-art facility that is responsible for answering 911 calls as well as non-emergency calls for police, fire and medical services within the City of Colorado Springs. In addition, we also answer all 911 cell phone calls in El Paso County. The Center has the added responsibility of monitoring and dispatching police and fire field units to calls for service.
About the Communications Center
The Colorado Springs Public Safety Communications Center is a state-of-the-art facility that is responsible for answering 911 calls as well as non-emergency calls for police, fire and medical services within the City of Colorado Springs. In addition, we also answer all 911 cell phone calls in El Paso County.
The Center has the added responsibility of monitoring and dispatching police and fire field units to calls for service.
The Communications Center is accredited by the International Academy of Emergency Dispatch. This process is voluntary and must show compliance with the Academy's "20 points of Excellence." The Communications Center has held this impressive title since January of 1998 and is the longest accredited agency in Colorado.
Tips for Calling 911
- Stay Calm
- Know your location
- Wait for the 911 call-taker to ask questions
- Follow directions
- Do not hang up
For more tips when calling 911, please visit our tips for 911 page.
Register Your Phone with 911
Peak Alerts is used to notify you of emergency situations that are a threat to life or property and are sent to specific affected areas. Register your phone here.
Training Division
The CSPD Training Division is comprised of two sections: The CSPD Training Academy and Professional Development.
Training Academy
- Plans, administers, and operates the Police Recruit Training Academy.
- Plans and provides all firearms training and firearms maintenance.
- Provides In-service training to sworn and civilian department members.
- Apply for the next CSPD Training Academy
Professional Development
- Coordinates in-service training for all CSPD Sworn Employees
- Coordinates and provides on going education and training for supervisors
- Coordinates training and professional development opportunities for civilian employees
- Oversees the CSPD Employee Wellness Program