Adapts to how we move by transforming our future generations' health and mobility needs, enhancing economic vibrancy, upgrading infrastructure, and improving regional connectivity.
Key Strategies
Make Transit a More Viable Option
Add Non-Motorized Facilities
Adapt to and Implement New Technologies
Maximize Existing Capacity
Invest in Smart Technologies
Importance of Connections
Our citizens desire a full range of options for where, when, and how we choose to travel. However, changes in technology are providing increasing options to communicate, obtain services, and do business without physically traveling. Our energy, water, wastewater, and stormwater systems also require a robust and well-integrated network of connections. Finally, both the sustainability and enjoyment of our natural environment depends on green infrastructure connections. Altogether this framework of connections represents an extremely large public and shared investment. Our regional and local connections are essential for a well-functioning city, our safety, economic prosperity and the quality of our lives.
A well-planned transportation system provides us with opportunities and choices for all modes of travel. This increases the efficiency of our system, reduces ongoing maintenance costs, and minimizes the impact of expanding the system on overall livability. As our city becomes larger and more diverse, the economic and community value of a smart and multimodal system will become even more vital to our success and quality of life. In addition to large scale systems, connectivity at a local, human and oftentimes walkable scale, is also essential for healthy, safe, efficient, desirable and community-supportive development and design. For quality of life and financial efficiency reasons, the desired outcomes for our transportation system include more available and accessible options, increased capacity, less congestion, and a smaller environmental and land use footprint.
Strong connections include ground-based transportation systems, air travel, and interrelated networks of utilities, stormwater, and communications infrastructure that serve as the foundation of our basic support services. Streets themselves carry more than people, vehicles, and goods. They also serve as conduits for utilities and communications. However, the importance of our utilities connections extends well beyond shared use of streets, easements, and rights-of-way. Our City’s vision also includes smart and connected utilities systems that maximize resiliency, adaptability, and options for customers.