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Public Works, Traffic and Transportation Engineering

Study Overview

Based on feedback and neighborhood concerns for congestion on 31st Street as well as safety concerns at the intersection at Pikes Peak Ave. the City has initiated a traffic study of 31st Street to investigate current conditions and develop recommended immediate and long-term improvements to the area.

The City objectives for the project include evaluation of elements including:

  • Improve signalized traffic intersection operations of 31st Street at Colorado Blvd and US-24
  • Consider the proposed roundabout at Fontanero Blvd and 31st Street in street operations
  • Safety for bicycles and pedestrians, especially at 31st Street and Pikes Peak.
  • Neighborhood access and traffic impacts

Study Area

31st Street between Highway 24 and W Fontenaro Street.

Action Plan

The project team presented an action plan for improvements to the 31st Street corridor at a public meeting held July 24, 2019. The action plan was developed from original recommended improvements that would best achieve the goals of the traffic study to improve traffic flow and safety for people in cars, on bikes and on foot.

The below improvements are unfunded but will be implemented in phases as funding becomes available.

  • US-24 Crosswalk
    • Relocate crosswalk to west side of 31st Street to help signal timing and provide consistency for pedestrians
  • Construct a bike box for improve bicyclist safety
  • Construct north/southbound right-turn lanes between Colorado and Hwy 24 for improved operations
  • Safety improvements to Pikes Peak Avenue   
    • Pedestrian signal
    • Time-restricted turning movements

Previous Public Outreach Efforts

  • Stakeholder meeting: The team identified a group of stakeholders to engage and provide meaningful input to the project through meetings at milestone decision points. Stakeholders groups included:
    • Neighborhood representatives
    • A representative from the Active Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC)
    • Business owners
    • CDOT representative
  • Neighborhood meeting: April 23, 2019
  • Open House to present recommendations: July 24, 2019

Final Report