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Mountain Metro, Public Works

About the Study

The Downtown Station Study is examining options for a new multimodal transit site in Colorado Springs. A new downtown station is needed to improve operations, safety and rider experience throughout the current and future Mountain Metro Transit system, as well as enhance downtown redevelopment opportunities.

This study will identify three recommended locations within the boundaries of I-25 to the West, Wahsatch Avenue to the East, Boulder Street to the North and Las Animas Street to the South.

Existing Conditions

The existing downtown station is at capacity and cannot be expanded in its current location. Bus maneuvering is difficult and mixed vehicle and pedestrian traffic creates unsafe conditions. Current design also limits first responder access, multimodal connections, and results in a challenging boarding and unloading environment.

Study Goals

  • Improve system-wide transit operations, ridership, accessibility and safety
  • Enhance rider experience and connections with other modes of transportation
  • Create a community asset that fits the region’s long-term vision
  • Stimulate downtown revitalization opportunities and Transit Oriented Development


Fact Sheet