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Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, Police Department
Erik Rodriguez, Environmental, Health, and Safety Specialist

Safety improvements at Memorial Park are now complete thanks to the $1,726,331 grant the Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) received from the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice, Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance, SB22-01 – Crime Prevention Through Safer Streets.

This project was a collaborative effort between CSPD and Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (PRCS) with input from residents with the Hillside Advisory Team (HAT). These residents voiced their concerns and suggestions to improve safety at Memorial Park and identified their top three priorities as lighting, vandalism and criminal activity. The grant aimed to address these concerns by:

  • The installation of 19 gates at each access point to secure the park from vehicle traffic during closed night-time hours
  • The establishment of 24-hour video surveillance around the park and Sertich Ice Center with the installation of ten wireless theft and vandalism-resistant security cameras
  • Increasing visibility throughout the park with the installation of more than 180 new or improved lights throughout the park including on roadways, parking lots and walkways.

Memorial Park gate locations