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Housing and Community Vitality
Project kickoff: Sept 2017
Inventory and analysis: Oct/Nov 2017
  • Informal listening sessions: Nov 2017
Developing recommendations: Dec 2017- March 2018
  • Neighborhood interviews: Dec 2017
  • Online Survey: Dec 2017/Jan 2018
  • Additional stakeholder interviews: Feb 2018
  • Community meeting: March 2018
Plan Documentation: March-May 2018
  • Incorporate community meeting feedback: March/April
  • More stakeholder meetings: April 2018
  • Draft Document for internal and public view: May 2018
  • Incorporate feedback from reviews: May/August 2018
Approval Process: Sept-Feb 2019
  • Downtown Review Board (Oct 2, 2018) – Unanimously endorsed
  • City Planning Commission (Oct 18, 2018) – Unanimously approved
  • City Council work session (Nov 13, 2018) – Introduce resolution to adopt the Plan
  • City Council regular meeting (Nov 27, 2018) – Council votes to delay plan adoption resolution
  • City Council regular meeting (Jan 8, 2019) - Council votes to delay plan adoption resolution
  • City Council regular meeting (Feb 12, 2019) - Council votes to adopt Mill Street Neighborhood Plan
Implementation Team Meetings: Feb 2019 - ongoing

The Mill Street Neighborhood Plan was adopted by City Council on February 12, 2019.

Want to join public employees, local businesses, non-profits, and other stakeholders in turning the Mill Street Neighborhood Plan recommendations into action? Stay tuned for upcoming meetings. Contact to be added to the email list.