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Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services

The Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department recently closed an online survey seeking feedback from neighbors of Mountain Shadow Park on the potential modification of the park’s dog leash rules. After a thorough review of the survey results, the current rules will NOT be modified to allow dogs off-leash in the park.

The survey results showed support both for and against a rule change. However, among the top concerns raised were health hazards related to dog waste, unruly dogs, lack of control by the owners, concern about traffic on the adjacent road, some park users having a fear of dogs, too many children in the park to allow this to happen safely and that the park was never intended for this use. It was important for us to hear these concerns, and the survey results ultimately helped us reach our decision to not make any changes at this time.

The survey was created after the department received several resident requests for a rule change that would allow off-leash activity at designated times. A postcard to access the survey was mailed to all residents within a 1,000-foot radius of the park. If you received and took the survey, thank you for providing your input. The parks department is always open to hearing suggestions from residents and exploring the potential to expand recreational opportunities. 

Dog owners should be aware that City Code requires all dogs be on a leash while in city parks and on city trails. Of course, the parks department understands that dogs enjoy having areas where they can run and "burn off some steam," so we offer several off-leash areas for this purpose. If you are looking for a City park where you can recreate with your dog off leash, visit  

Thank you, again, for sharing your feedback through the survey and for your passion for our park system.