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Planning Phase

Community Office Hours

Do you have questions about the project, want more information about the upcoming environmental review process, or want to be more informed? Please visit one of our community office hours to get involved and meet our project team!

Virtual: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

  • Meeting link  OR 
  • Dial 720-707-2699 to join and enter the Zoom Webinar using ID: 847 5109 6299

In Person: Wednesday, September 25, 2024

  • Three available times:
    • 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
    • 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. 
    • 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Address:
    The Independence Center
    729 S. Tejon Street
    Colorado Springs, CO 80903
    Bowe Blank Room (on the first floor)

Stop by at your convenience. The information available and the opportunities to engage with the project team will be the same at each virtual and in-person session. 

And download the Community Office Hours flyer to share with your friends and neighbors!

2018 – 2020

Phase I- Alternatives Evaluation

  • Initiated project
  • Conducted outreach to adjacent railroads, property owners, business owners, neighborhoods, community stakeholders, and the public
  • Evaluated options and recommended alternative
  • Began conceptual design
  • Secured Funding for Phase II: Preliminary Engineering & Environmental Clearance 
2023 - 2025
  • Phase II: Preliminary Engineering & Environmental Review
    • 2023 -
      • Analyzed existing conditions
      • Began environmental clearance
      • Coordinated with Union Pacific (UP) railroad and BNSF Railways (BNSF)
      • Conducted outreach to property owners, business owners, neighborhoods, community stakeholders, and the public
      • Advanced design plans
      • Received notification that the City of Colorado Springs was not awarded the FY22 CRISI Grant
    • 2024 -
      • BNSF replacement of South Tejon Street Bridge
      • Advance preliminary design for environmental documentation
    • 2025 -
      • Host public meeting(s)
      • Finalize environmental documentation
  • Phase III: Interim Projects
  • Phase IV: Final Design & Construction, subjected to funding for Phase IV 

Project overview

Updated September 2024

The Colorado Springs South Downtown Rail Underpass Reconstruction project (SDRUR) looks to address safety and operational issues along the rail corridor and improve transportation connectivity for all travel modes to downtown Colorado Springs.

Improvements under the project scope include:

  • Replacing three railroad bridges at Nevada Avenue, Tejon Street, and Shooks Run
  • Replacing the Las Vegas Street Roadway over Shooks Run bridge
  • Improving Tejon Street and Nevada Avenue from Fountain Boulevard to Mill Street
  • Improving other neighborhood streets and sidewalks
  • Creating quiet zones and improving pedestrian access at Sierra Madre Street and Las Animas Street
  • Planning for future connection of the Legacy Loop trail

The project currently has four phases, each phase building upon the last one:

  • Phase I (2018 – 2020) – Alternatives Evaluation
  • Phase II (2023 – 2025) – Preliminary Engineering & Environmental Review 
  • Phase III (TBD) – Interim Projects 
  • Phase IV (TBD) – Final Design & Construction 
Updated timeline - all information listed on webpage