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Mile High Flood District (MHFD) details are allowed as alternative construction control measures if the City does not have a specific detail for that particular control measure.

Control measures
Control Measure NameDescription
DitchGuard - ERTECCheck Dam
Eco-PanConcrete Washout
CR-Crossover RampCrossover Ramp
Temporary Seeding Mix TablesErosion Control Measure
WoodStrawErosion Control Mulch
SedCatch SedCage - ERTECInlet Protection
GeoCurve Inlet ProtectionInlet Protection
Sedi-Mat Inlet ProtectionInlet Protection
Dandy Curb BagInlet Protection
Dandy BagInlet Protection
Dandy SackInlet Protection
Dandy Curb SackInlet Protection
Durawattle Grated Inlet ProtectionInlet Protection
Ertec Slot GuardInlet Protection
CMS-Inlet Protection Inlet Protection
CMS-Landscape Drain Inlet Protection
Curb Inlet Guard - ERTECInlet Protection
CMS-Cut Back CurbPerimeter Control
CMS-Cut Back BermPerimeter Control
CMS-Reinforced Silt FencePerimeter Control
Erosion EelsPerimeter Control
Filtrexx SiltSoxxPerimeter Control
CMS-Hercules Eco BlockSediment Barrier
Sediment TrapSediment Trap
Modified Sediment BasinStormwater Control Measure
Wattles for Erosion ControlStormwater Control Measure
Muscle Wall for Perimeter ControlStormwater Control Measure
CMS-Temporary Mixing StationTemporary Mixing Station
TSB SkimmerTemporary Sediment Basin
Temporary Stream Crossing (TSC)Temporary Stream Crossing (TSC)
Trickle ChannelTrickle Channel Protection
Cattle Guard VTCVehicle Tracking Control
CMS-Eco VTCVehicle Tracking Control
FODS VTCVehicle Tracking Control
Tracking Pads LLCVehicle Tracking Control
Big RedsWeighted Wattle
CMS-Heavy WattleWeighted Wattle
Filtrexx SiltSoxx ExtremeWeighted Wattle
Gator GuardWeighted Wattle