On December 5, 2019, City Council approved Resolution No. 128-19 that established fees for the review and approval by the Stormwater Enterprise (SWENT) of planning, development, and construction-related submittals for compliance with the City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit, the City’s Drainage Criteria Manual (DCM) requirements, and the City Code. This resolution also included a 5% increase each year until 2023.
Starting January 1, 2020, new submittals to SWENT will be assessed review fees as per the chart below. Documents submitted prior to January 1, 2020 and are still ‘in the review process’ will not be assessed a review fee. To be considered ‘in the review process,’ a document requiring resubmittal must be submitted within 6 months of the last review comments; otherwise, it will be considered a new submittal and assessed a review fee.
Plan Review Program Fees
Document Type | Fee |
Preliminary Drainage Report >5 acres | $2,687.50 |
Preliminary Drainage Report 1-5 acres | $1,773.75 |
Preliminary Drainage Report <1 acre | $645.00 |
Final Drainage Report >5 acres | $4,085.00 |
Final Drainage Report 1-5 acres | $3,010.00 |
Final Drainage Report Conversion from Preliminary Drainage Report | $1,075.00 |
Final Drainage Letter 1-5 acres | $2,150.00 |
Final Drainage Letter <1 acre | $645.00 |
Final Drainage Report Major Amendment | $1,773.75 |
Final Drainage Report Minor Amendment | $645.00 |
Drainage Memo | $645.00 |
Drainage Evaluation | $645.00 |
Channel Design Report Amendment | $645.00 |
Channel Design Report | $4,085.00 |
Channel Design Plan | $2,150.00 |
Permanent Control Measure Plan | $2,150.00 |
Permanent Control Measure Plan Amendment | $967.50 |
Plan/Profile Drainage >200 ft | $2,150.00 |
Plan/Profile Drainage <200 ft | $1,075.00 |
Plan/Profile Drainage Major Amendment | $967.50 |
Plan/Profile Drainage Minor Amendment | $295.63 |
Grading and Erosion Control Plan | $645.00 |
Grading and Erosion Control Plan Major Amendment | $430.00 |
CSWMP | $645.00 |
Variance Letter | $1,075.00 |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the process to pay Stormwater Review Fees?
- Stormwater Reviewer Indicates Submittal is Ready for Approval
- Reviewer Returns Stormwater Review Fee Statement with Transmittal Requesting Final Submittal
- Applicant Pays Fee through Payment Portal According to Stormwater Review Fee Statement
- Applicant Receives Receipt from Transaction
- Applicant Submits Receipt for Fee Payment with Final Submittal to the City Administration Building, Suite 401
- Fees are Verified by Reviewer
- Approved Submittal is Released
When are Stormwater Review Fees due?
Fees are required to be paid in full prior to approved submittal pickup.
I am submitting a combined Final Drainage Report / Master Development Drainage Plan. What is my fee?
Please pay the higher fee amount, which would be the Master Development Drainage Plan fee in this example.
I am submitting a Preliminary Drainage Report. What is my fee?
Preliminary Drainage Reports are considered to be Drainage Studies for the purposes of review fee determination.
I am submitting a Drainage Letter. What is my fee?
Drainage Letters are considered to be Drainage Studies for the purposes of review fee determination.
I am submitting a revised Drainage Plan/Profile. What is my fee?
Minor revisions to Drainage Plan/Profiles (defined as those with changes to 2 or fewer sheets) are not assessed a fee. Major revisions are assessed as new Drainage Plan/Profiles.
I am submitting a revised Permanent Control Measure / Detention Pond plan. What is my fee?
Revisions to PCM / Detention Pond plans are assessed as new Detention Pond plans.
I am submitting a grading plan, but there is already an approved overlot grading plan for the site. What is my fee?
The fee would be assessed based on a new GEC Plan.
More than 6 months have elapsed since my last submittal. Can I resubmit the document under the previous review?
If more than 6 months have elapsed between a previous submittal (date comments are returned) and a resubmittal (date of submission to the Stormwater Enterprise), the corresponding review fee is re-assessed in full.