April 1, 2025 Municipal Election
The City Clerk anticipates mailing ballot packets for the General Municipal Election to registered, active voters who reside within the corporate boundaries of the City of Colorado Springs on Friday, March 7, 2025. This election is an all-mail ballot election only. City elections have been mail ballot only since 2005.
Mail Ballot Plan and Calendar | Mail Ballot Process Chart
What’s on the April 1, 2025 Municipal Election Ballot?
The six District City Council seats are up for election this time. Each voters’ ballot will contain only the District City Council race for their area of town based on the current City Council District Boundary lines and possible ballot questions. Find your current City Council District.
Mail Ballot Drop-off Locations
Ballots may be dropped off at any of the locations listed below beginning March 7, 2025. Ballots must be received (not just postmarked) by the City Clerk’s Office or a designated drop-off location listed below by 7 p.m. on election night, Tuesday, April 1, 2025. We highly encourage you to drop-off your ballot in one of the 24/7 ballot drop-off boxes across the city. However, if you choose to mail your ballot please affix proper postage and allow at least seven days of transit time prior to Election Day to be received by the City Clerk’s Office by the deadline.
Mail Ballot Drop-Off Locations
Map of Ballot Drop-Off Locations
Main Location - City Clerk's Office
City Administration Building
30 South Nevada Ave., Suite 101
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
24/7 Ballot Box
Election Day Hours: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
24/7 Ballot Boxes
The following locations are available 24/7.
Election day hours, April 1, will be 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Banning Lewis Ranch Academy | |
Bear Creek Park, | |
Black Forest Park-n-Ride | |
Boot Barn Hall | |
Broadmoor Towne Center | |
Charles C. “Chuck” Brown | |
Citadel Mall Northside | |
Colorado College | |
Colorado Springs Senior Center | |
Cottonwood Creek | |
El Paso County | |
El Paso County Downtown | |
El Paso County Fort Carson Branch | |
El Paso County North | |
El Paso County Southeast | |
First and Main Town Center | |
Family Success Center | |
Pikes Peak Regional | |
PPSC (Centennial Campus) | |
PPSC (Rampart Range) | |
PPLD-East Library | |
PPLD-Library 21c | |
Rocky Mountain Calvary | |
Tiffany Square U-Haul | |
UCCS - Kraemer Family Library | |
Vista Grande Baptist Church | |
Wilson Ranch Pool |
The Life of a Ballot
Voter Resources

Ballot Status Search
Check your ballot's status and ensure your vote is counted with the City's ballot tracking tool. All you need is your name, date of birth and ZIP code to search for your ballot.

Register to Vote / Update Voter Information
The City Clerk does not maintain voter registration.
Register online at the Colorado Secretary of State.
Questions? Visit El Paso County Elections or call (719) 575-8683.

What City Council District do I reside in?
In 2024, the six city council district boundaries were all redrawn to accommodate the population growth across the city. To find a list of the current City Council members and in which council district your residential address is located and district maps, and other data related to City Council , please visit our interactive district map.

Military and Overseas Voting (UOCAVA)
Are you a Colorado voter currently residing outside of the United States? Get information on how to vote.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any questions not answered here, contact the City Clerk's Office at (719) 385-5901, option 4, or email elections@coloradosprings.gov.
What is a mail ballot election?
A mail ballot election sends a ballot to every active voter in the city of Colorado Springs, with candidates and issues specific to their City Council District. The ballot is sent to the address on the voter registration record. If you’ve moved or changed addresses and haven’t updated your registration, your ballot won’t be forwarded and will be returned to the City Clerk’s Office as undeliverable.
What does the all-mail ballot election mean to me?
- No in-person voting at precinct polling places
- Ballots are mailed to all active voters within the City of Colorado Springs boundary
When will ballots be mailed?
Ballots will be mailed on March 7, 2025. If you don’t receive your ballot by March 14, 2025, and believe you’re an eligible voter, contact the City Clerk’s Office at (719) 385-5901, option 4 or email us at elections@coloradosprings.gov.
How do I find out if my ballot was received by the City Clerk?
- Visit the above link
- Enter the required fields denoted with red asterisk (*): Last Name *, First Name *, Date of Birth *, Zip Code *
- Verify via reCAPTCHA.
- Click Search. A response will give the status of your ballot according to our latest system information
Am I an active voter?
Per City Code 5.1.102, only active registered voters receive mail ballots. If you're inactive and want to vote, see "How Do I Get a Ballot if I Am Inactive?" below.
To verify your voter status, visit www.govotecolorado.gov.
How do I get a ballot if I am inactive?
If you're an inactive voter and your address and name haven’t changed, you can submit an Initial Ballot Application to receive a ballot.
If mailing your request, ensure it reaches the City Clerk’s Office at least nine days before Election Day or there may not be enough time for you to receive, vote, and return your ballot.
You can also reactivate your registration online at www.govotecolorado.gov by choosing the "Find My Registration" option and selecting "Click here to activate your voter registration."
For address and/or name changes, or to update your registration in person, visit the El Paso County Elections Department.
If changes are needed after March 20, 2025, go to the City Clerk’s Office or El Paso County Elections Department.
You can download the Initial Ballot Application from the "Forms" section above on this page.
How do I get a replacement ballot?
If you spoil, deface, did not receive, or lose your ballot, you may request a replacement ballot. To receive a replacement ballot, you can 1. go to the City Clerk’s Office, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (7:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Election Day), or 2. download the form from our website, complete, and send the form to elections@coloradosprings.gov.
You can download the replacement ballot application from the "Forms" section above on this page.
What is the process for completing my ballot?
Follow the instructions on your ballot.
After voting:
- Refold the ballot along the original fold lines.
- Place it in the Official Return Envelope.
- If ID is required, include a photocopy of a valid ID inside the envelope.
- Include your completed Initial or Replacement Ballot Application (if applicable).
- Sign and date the SELF-AFFIRMATION on the Official Return Envelope.
You can drop off your ballot at designated ballot drop-off locations or mail it with first-class postage to the City Clerk’s Office.
If you are a first-time voter who registered by mail, you must submit identification with your ballot in order for your vote to count. Your return envelope will indicate ID REQUIRED below your name and address. If you have previously voted by mail and provided identification or in person at a polling location, proof of ID is not required.
What forms of identification are acceptable?
All IDs must be current and valid and show a Colorado address if applicable. Accepted forms include:
- Colorado driver’s license or ID card by the Department of Revenue
- U.S. passport
- U.S. government, state, or local employee ID with your photo
- FAA-issued pilot’s license
- U.S. military ID with photo
- Utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, or government document with your name and address (within last 60 days)
- Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaskan Native Blood
- Medicare or Medicaid card
- Certified U.S. birth certificate
- Naturalization certificate
- Colorado student ID with photo
- VA veteran ID with photo
- Tribal membership ID
- Verification of residency in a group facility or confinement status
- Verification that you are committed to the Department of Human Services and confined, but eligible to register and vote
- Written correspondence from the County Sheriff or his or her designee to the City Clerk indicating that the elector is confined in a county jail or detention facility
Where can I drop off my ballot?
Ballots can be dropped off at the City Clerk’s Office and 28 other 24/7 ballot drop-off locations from March 7 to April 1, 2025, by 7:00 p.m. With a few changes, these locations are possibly even the same ballot drop-off locations you used the November 2024 election.
What if I make a mistake while voting my ballot?
If you make a mistake while voting, you can request a replacement ballot. Once your ballot is submitted, either by mail or at a drop-off location, you cannot get a replacement.
What if I am away from my residence when the ballots are mailed?
If you are at an address different than the mailing address on your voter registration when the ballots are mailed, you may request an absentee ballot be mailed to you at the temporary address. A separate absentee ballot application is needed for each person. You may download the form from our website, complete and send the form to elections@coloradosprings.gov or contact the City Clerk’s Office, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM to request an application. You may confirm or change your mailing address online at govotecolorado.gov. The deadline to file an application for an absentee ballot is Tuesday, March 25, 2025.
Confirm or change your mailing address at www.govotecolorado.gov.
An absentee request form can be downloaded from the "Forms" section above on this page.
What if I don't receive my ballot?
If you are a registered voter and haven’t received your ballot by March 14, 2025, contact the City Clerk’s Office at (719) 385-5901, option 4, or email elections@coloradosprings.gov to obtain a replacement.
Why didn't I get a ballot?
Ballots are sent to all active registered voters within Colorado Springs city limits. If you didn’t receive a ballot, it may be because:
- You moved and didn’t update your voter registration (Ballots WILL NOT be forwarded to your new address by the Post Office; they will be returned to the City Clerk as Undeliverable).
- You live outside the city or in an unincorporated El Paso County.
- You’re not registered to vote.
- Your voter status is inactive (if you have not voted in previous elections, your voter registration may be inactive).
- You had your mail held or forwarded by the Post Office (Ballots WILL NOT be held or forwarded by the Post Office; they will be returned to the City Clerk as Undeliverable).
If you think your ballot was returned as undeliverable, call (719) 385-5901, option 4, to verify and get a replacement if needed.
What is the deadline for returning the ballot?
All ballots must be in the possession of the City Clerk not later than 7:00 PM on the day of the election, April 1, 2025. No one person may deliver to the Office of the City Clerk or designated ballot box more than ten (10) voted ballots from other voters at one time.
What is the postage required if I choose to mail my ballot?
A Forever Stamp (first-class postage) is sufficient.
What if I forgot to sign my return envelope?
If your return envelope is marked ID REQUIRED and you fail to put a copy of valid identification in the reply envelope, the City Clerk's Office will contact you by phone, email, or mail to complete a form. You may bring the completed form to the City Clerk’s Office, email, or mail the form to the City Clerk’s Office. Submit the form with your ID by 5:00 PM on April 9, 2025, or your ballot won’t be counted.
What is the typical return rate for mail ballots?
Historical voter turnout (the percentage of total votes counted divided by active registered voters) can be found on our Election Archives page coloradosprings.gov/election-history. Just look for the Results Summary. If you are curious about the daily volume of ballots scanned, you can review the Daily Reports for the last four municipal elections. Election Daily Reports
The Daily Report indicates the number of returned ballot packets scanned each day of processing beginning, March 10, 2025.
Visit our Election Data, Reports and Fee Schedule page if you are interested in purchasing electronic data regarding current and past elections.
Where may I find voter turnout information each day?
Voter turnout data will be posted each day on the City election web page, coloradosprings.gov/election. An interactive map will allow you to see citywide turnout, turnout by City Council district, and turnout by individual precinct.
How and when can I find out the results of the election?
Unofficial results will be posted on coloradosprings.gov/election by 7:30 PM on Election Day. Updates will be posted throughout the evening. Results will also be available on Channel 18, local TV stations, and media websites.
Contact Information
- Mailing Address:
City Clerk's Office
PO Box 1575, MC 110
Colorado Springs, CO 80901-1575 - Physical Address:
30 S. Nevada Ave, Suite 101
Colorado Springs, CO 80903 - Phone: (719) 385-5901, option 4
- Email: elections@coloradosprings.gov
- Fax: (719) 385-5114
Where can I view the ballot box cameras live feed?
You can view the ballot boxes camera live feed here.
If you experience any issues with loading the feed, please contact the City Clerk’s Office:
Phone: (719) 385-5901, option 4
Email: elections@coloradosprings.gov