Marksheffel Road will close to all through traffic south of Dublin Boulevard to north of Stetson Hills Boulevard for two consecutive nights (Monday, March 10 and Tuesday, March 11) from 7 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. These safety closures are necessary while crews move travel lanes into a new alignment.
The signed detour route will direct Marksheffel Road travelers to use Peterson Road between Dublin Boulevard and Stetson Hills Boulevard during the overnight closures. Local access to the Mountain Valley Preserve neighborhood (Tarren Heights) will be provided from the south at Stetson Hills Boulevard.
Also starting Monday night, Ryker Peak Drive will close to all traffic entering and exiting the neighborhood at Marksheffel Road through June. This closure is required while crews reconstruct the intersection. During the closure, local access will be maintained at Tarren Heights for the neighborhood on the east side of Marksheffel Road.
This work is weather-dependent, and the schedule may change. For the most up to date information on road closures and traffic pattern changes, text IMPROVE to 866-762-3640 to receive text alerts. Message boards on the corridor and the project hotline (719-645-4055) will reflect the latest schedule information.
More information is available at Community members can also call 719-645-4055 or email with questions.

Marksheffel Rd. closure detour route for March 10 & 11, 7 p.m.-5:30 a.m.

Ryker Peak Dr. closure detour route for March 10 & 11, 7 p.m.-5:30 a.m.