About the Plans
As required under ADA Title II, the City of Colorado Springs has and maintains ADA Transition Plans for its facilities, web sites and public right-of-way. The City continually conducts assessments of the physical accessibility of its building and facilities and updates its ADA Transition Plans to better reflect current conditions. These plans assist with long-term strategic approaches to continue improvements to the accessibility of City programs, activities and services.
Below please find our ADA Transition Plans and our facility self-evaluation phases.
- Facility Transition Plan - Addresses barrier removal at real property / distinct City properties where there are programs, services or activities open to the public.
- Web Accessibility Transition Plan - Addresses barrier removal in the digital environment belonging to the City of Colorado Springs.
- Public Right of Way Transition Plan - Addresses barrier removal within the public right of way throughout the City. - COMING SOON.
1. Facility Transition Plan
The Office of Accessibility (OA) is committed to ensuring online information is accessible to all users. Initially, transition plan documents were published in phases starting in the spring of 2019 and ending in the summer of 2022. Updated evaluations were published again in early 2025 to reflect the current state of our facilities and showcase the City’s barrier removal efforts. These new evaluations were also converted from Portable Document Format (PDF) to HyperText Markup Language (HTML) for improved accessibility. Transition plan documents are living documents subject to frequent changes and updates as new work is completed. To ensure resources are appropriated and utilized properly, the OA has also elected to provide links to the most up-to-date reports in our planning software. This process will ensure the public has access to plan documents as changes are made. The OA will continue to make resources readily available for remediation efforts upon request as required by Administrative Regulation 2020-02. Please contact the OA at 719-385-5175 if you experience difficulty accessing information contained within the documents posted on this page.
Phase 1: City Administration Building, City Hall, Municipal Court, and Pioneers Museum
Phase 3: Community Centers, Sertich Ice Center and Beidleman Center
Phase 4: Fire Stations
- FDC West
- Fire Annex
- Fire Station 1
- Fire Station 2
- Fire Station 3
- Fire Station 4
- Fire Station 5
- Fire Station 6
- Fire Station 7
- Fire Station 8
- Fire Station 9
- Fire Station 10
- Fire Station 11
- Fire Station 12
- Fire Station 13
- Fire Station 14
- Fire Station 15
- Fire Station 16
- Fire Station 17
- Fire Station 18
- Fire Station 19
- Fire Station 20
- Fire Station 21
- Fire Station 22
- Fire Station 23
- Fire Station 24 (under construction)
- Fire Station 25 (renovations ongoing as of January 2025)
Phase 6: 702 and 704 E Boulder St.; City Auditorium; Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Office; Senior Center; Streets Division; Traffic Operations Center
Phase 8: Cemeteries and Golf Courses
Phase 9: Sports Complexes
Phase 11: Transit
- Black Forest Park & Ride
- Citadel Transfer Station
- Downtown Bus Terminal
- Mountain Metro Transit Bus Stops
- North Academy Super Stop
- Pikes Peak Community College Transfer Station
- South Academy Super Stop
- Tejon St. Park & Ride
- Transit Administration Building
- Transit Service Center Office
- Voyager Transfer Station
- Woodmen Park & Ride
Phase 12: Memorial Park
- Memorial Park - Beach House
- Memorial Park - Boat House
- Memorial Park - Fallen Firefighter Memorial
- Memorial Park - Family Aquatic Center
- Memorial Park - Fields 1, 2 & 3
- Memorial Park - Pavilions
- Memorial Park - Peace Officers Memorial Area
- Memorial Park - Pikes Peak Ave. and Union Blvd.
- Memorial Park - Polliwog Playground
- Memorial Park - Prospect Lake East
- Memorial Park - Prospect Lake South
- Memorial Park - Prospect Lake West
- Memorial Park - Skatepark
- Memorial Park - South Hancock Corridor
- Memorial Park - Sports Office
- Memorial Park - Swing High Play Area
- Memorial Park - Tennis Center Area
- Memorial Park - Velodrome
- Memorial Park - Veterans Memorial
- Memorial Park - Volleyball Area
Phase 13: Regional Parks and Open Spaces
- Austin Bluffs Open Space
- Bear Creek Cañon Park
- Blodgett Peak Open Space
- Bluestem Prarie Open Space
- Garden of the Gods Park
- High Chaparral Open Space
- John Blair Bridge Open Space
- North Cheyenne Cañon Regional Park
- North Slope Rereation Area
- Pikeview Reservior Open Space
- Promontory Point Open Space
- Red Rock Canyon Open Space
- Rock Ledge Ranch
- Sinton Pond Open Space
- South Slope Recreation Area Open Space
- Stratton Meadows Open Space
- Ute Valley Park
Phase 15-A: Neighborhood Parks
- Acacia Park
- Antlers Park
- Bancroft Park
- Blunt Park
- Bott Park
- Boulder Crescent Park
- Bristol Park
- Cucharras Park
- Dorchester Park
- Fountain Park and Hillside Evaluation
- Frank Waters Park
- Gold Camp Park
- Ivywild Park
- Jenkins Park
- John O'Bryne Park
- Meadows Park
- North and Mid Shooks Run Parks
- Pioneer Park
- South Shooks Run Park
- Thorndale Park
- Vermijo Park
- Westmoor Park
Phase 15-B Neighborhood Parks
- Audubon Park
- Betty Krouse Park
- Bonforte Park
- Boulder Park
- Broadmoor Bluffs Park
- Broadmoor Glen Park
- Broadmoor Valley Park
- Cheyenne Meadows Park
- Danville Park
- Flanagan Park
- Franklin Park
- Glen Oaks Park
- Jackson Park
- Jefferson Park
- Lunar Park
- Madison Park
- Nancy Lewis Park
- Oak Meadows Park
- Otis Park
- Patty Jewett Junction Play Area
- Pike Park
- Portal Park
- Roswell Park
- Sondermann Park
- Twain Park
- Wagner Park
- Wasson Park
Phase 15-C Neighborhood Parks
- Adams Park
- Bricker Park
- Centennial Park
- Deerfield Park
- Giberson Park
- Happy Hollow Miniplay
- Heathercrest Park
- Henry Park
- Honeybear Miniplay
- James Smith Senior Park
- Little Bridges Miniplay
- Meadowlark Park
- Monterey Park
- Mountain View Miniplay
- Munchkin Miniplay
- Panorama Park
- Penstemon Park
- Prairie Grass Park
- Roy Benavidez Park
- Sagebrush Park
- Soaring Eagles Park
- Trues Mill Miniplay
- Van Diest Park
- Wildflower Park
- Wilson Park
Phase 15-D Neighborhood Parks
Phase 15-E Neighborhood Parks
- Buckskin Charlie Park
- Candleflower Park
- Discovery Park
- Explorer Park
- Fairfax Park
- Foothills Park
- Ford Frick Park
- Frank Castello Park
- Frontier Park
- Golden Hills Park
- John Stone Park
- Kathleen Marriage Park
- Lulu Pollard Park
- Marshall Sprague Park
- Meadowridge Park
- Mountain Shadows Park
- Oak Valley Ranch Park
- Pinecliff Park
- Pinon Valley Park
- Wedgewood Park
- Wickes Park
- Woodmen Valley Park
- Woodstone Park
Public Comment
The City is asking the public to provide comments and feedback on this reassessment of information. Public comments and feedback is always welcome. Comments are accepted via mail, email and fax:
Office of Accessibility
City of Colorado Springs
PO BOX 1575 Mail code 325
Colorado Springs, CO 80901-1575
Submit requests for alternate formats to ADAcompliance@ColoradoSprings.gov or call 719/385-5175 (7-1-1 via Colorado Relay).
3. Public Right of Way Transition Plan